3 Reasons Why You Should Know Your Hair Type

None of the natural hair types are the same and the care requirements, like vitamins for hair growth, are also varied from one hair type to another. Knowing your hair type may save you lots of money in the long run when it comes to buying hair care products. Equipped with the information about your hair unique characteristics, you are always going to make the best choice of hair colour, styling techniques and hair care products. You won’t be caught in the web of trial and error as it regards choosing hair products, hairstyles, and building a hair regimen.

Your hair type is generally determined by a number of genetic factors. There are no ‘bad’ hair types; just hair types that require different styling techniques, and products that make them look their best. Some clinics provide in office dispensing services for these products.

 It is important to know that what works on straight-hair may not have the same effect on wavy or kinky hair. This knowledge can save you hundreds of dollars of products and a possible hair disaster.


In the 1990s, Oprah Winfrey’s hairstylist, Andre Walker created a classification system for hair. He came up with four hair types:

•Hair type 1: Straight hair

Straight hair is known as the softest, shiniest and also most resilient of all the hair types. It is very difficult to curl, and also hard to damage. It is also the oiliesthair type.

•Hair type 2: Wavy hair

This hair type has a texture and sheen between straight and curly hair and it is likely to become frizzy. Fine wavy hair is known to be easily tamed and styled, however, medium and coarse hard hair can be difficult to style.

Hair type 3: Curly hair

Curly hair is known to have an S-shape or Z-shape. This hair type is generallyvoluminous, damage prone and climate dependent. If you don’t properly take goodcare of your curly hair, you’re likely to have less defined curls.

•Hair type 4: Kinky hair

This hair type has a tightly coiled curl pattern that is often very fragile with high density. Kinky hair has fewer cuticle layers; this is responsible for its shrinkage when wet.

The following are three reasons why you should know your hair type:

1. Knowing Your Hair Type Will Help You Know Which Hair Products to Choose:

 Knowing your hair type will help you understand why your hair responds the way it does to certain products.

For example, ladies with straight hair should avoid using extremely heavy butter and cream. Go for sulphate-free products that strengthen strands with vitamins while also adding volume to otherwise dull hair.

Those with wavy hair should do well to avoid light milk as it won’t be of help to their hair.

your expectations have curly hair should patronise hydrating shampoo and conditioner. Since the outer cuticle layer of curly hair tends to lift up; the extra moisture may help strengthen weak strands and prevent breakage.

2. It is Easy to Choose the Best Styling Technique When You Know Your Hair Type:

Knowing your hair’s type means you can treat it correctly for its type and re-set your expectations of what can be achieved with it.

For people with curly hair, it is good to first lightly wet your hair before styling it. As the strands hydrate, your hair becomes ready to be shaped andthe curl pattern becomes more defined.

Those with wavy hair must be careful not to overuse styling products because it can result in frizzy, dry and dull hair and no one wants to see that happen to their hair. Do well to as much as possible keep your hair stretched or detangled in order to prevent excessive tangling, and breakage due to its fragility.

Kinky hair type is the most fragile hair type, so if you desire to grow your hair, long protective styles like twists, braids, or buns should be your favourite style choice. These styles do not require daily manipulation; hence, your hair is not prone to shrinkage.

3. Different Hair Types Have Different care:

 There is no one-size-fits-all for hair when it comes to washing. Different Hair types have different washing needs.

Curly hair is known to be the driest of all the different hair types. Because of its spirals, oil from the scalp finds it difficult to work its way down, leaving the ends drier than straighter hair types. People with this hair type may want to wash every third day.

Your straight hair can usually start to look oily on the second or third day. If you have straight hair, wash your hair with a system that helps moisturize it and give it shine without the weighed down.

Too much oil can easily weigh down your fine hair. Wash your hair every one or two days at most to have it looking at its best. Your hair may start falling flat and worse, looking and feeling greasy when you go longer than two days without washing. I bet you don’t want that for your fine hair.

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Eve: I transitioned to natural hair a couple of years ago and I'm still rock'n it to this day. You can get in touch with me by using any of the avenues below.