The Coconut Oil Secret: Natural Hair Health & Beauty Exposed

Have you ever wonder how some women seem to have it all when it comes to hair and beauty? Their natural hair and complexion always look stunning regardless of age or how many children they birthed. None of that seems to touch them which is weird. There is a secret ingredient that they might be using to maintain this and it is coconut oil. Coconut oil is ubiquitous which seems to undermine its value in most people’s mind, but it is nature’s gift to us women whether it’s in the kitchen or beauty shelf.

There are many used for this wonderful oil which is exposed in the book The Coconut Oil Secret: Nature’s #1 Best Healing Super food. In this coconut oil secret pdf, author Jake Carney lays down the 9 reasons to use coconut oil on a daily basis. Most of us used coconut oil mainly for natural hair care, but did you know it’s an ultra-healing super-food. If you knew that and yet you’re not using it as such then shame on you.

For those who did not know and want to have amazing natural locks, amazing health and beautiful skin keep reading, or click here to download Coconut Oil Secret to learn the best ways on how to use it.

The Many Uses Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be used as a hair care, skin care, cooking products, and more… let’s delve deeper into some of its use, we’ll begin with skin care. Moisture is key to any skin conditioner. Moisture helps in keeping your skin hydrated which protect it from sun rays and air pollution. Coconut oil is the perfect moisturizer that allow the skin to build its natural immune system. Many movie stars swear by it and use it after a nice bath or shower. I take advantage of this opportunity to do my pelvic exercises with my new toy Joy ON. If you want to use the Kegel weight then try to hold for a few minutes. If you’re successful, remove the it and repeat the process moving on to the next darker shade on the following day.

Healthy ways to use coconut oil: It Is known to get rid of pesky headaches, whiten teeth, protect from dangerous bacteria, cancer, thyroid, heart problems, and fat burning. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, however it is not responsible for ailments like heart disease, obesity, and other high cholesterol related diseases you’ve been hearing about.

Used of coconut oil for Black women hair care: hair care is essential as it relates to beauty and how beautiful we feel about ourselves as women. The idea of feeling beautiful is paramount to self-esteem. Keep your hair nice and soft by applying coconut oil to your hands and massage it twice daily to keep your hair healthy, and nourished. Also coconut oil can help to reduce frizz when taking out your bantu knots, braids, and twists. Start applying it today and you will witness the difference in just days.

Using coconut oil for romantic massages: Have you and your partner been working hard and don’t spend as much time you’d like with each other. Make coconut oil part of your date night. Think how much she’ll appreciate it if you rub her back and her feet after a long tiring day. Just scoop up some oil and use it all over her body and ladies you can do the same for him as well. Giving a massage is a great way to connect with your partner

There are many more reasons to use coconut oil than what was giving above you can read more about that Jake Carney’s book The Coconut Oil Secret.

Here is what you will learn by reading this book:

  • Why it matters which you use between cold pressed, expeller pressed or raw for maximum health.
  • When it’s a good idea to take coconut oil in capsule form or when to run away from it
  • When you buy coconut oil are you sure which processing method keeps the nutrients your need for all your beauty and nutrition needs.
  • You will learn why solid and liquid coconut oil are beneficial
  • What could be the cause of you not feeling 100% all the time
  • Learn the four unhealthy oils that you should never consume and why?
  • And more…

The truth is there are probably millions different ways to apply coconut oil, but if you’re not aware of health and beauty benefits you will never be motivated to use it. We hope this was helpful and we would appreciate your comment telling us how you apply it.

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