Popular Natural Hair Tools That Whitney From Natural85 Hates. You’ll Want To Know This

In today’s video, Whitney from Naptural85 is sharing her secrets to some natural hair tools that she doesn’t like. These are some of the best tools in the natural hair community, even some that we like here at AAHV. Imagine the heartache it causes to know some of our favorite tools are included in her do-not-like-list.

This is something she gets asked about a lot on social media, so she finally acquiesces to our demands, and we’re grateful for it. The Qredew is the most painful one because we were planning on doing a post on that. We were not the only one sad that Whitney isn’t feeling it and some in the comment seems to disagree, like Nk Naturalz who said,

Hey Whitney! So the Qredew I’ve had one for 5 years and I’d like to think I totally know how to use it now. So I can tell you that the Qredew has mineral deposit build up inside if you use it and put it down with the water left inside. What you’re explaining happens to me everytime I haven’t used it in say a month or more. A simple fix is to use distilled water. But to clear the clogged, mineral filled holes, plug is out and use a bobby pinto rod out the mineral build up. Another option is to put vinegar in the water part. Keep pressing the button and it will melt out the deposit build up. I promise you this will help. And after it’s all cleared out just use all distilled water. Hope this helps you or anyone else with a qredew.

And Daaria Praised Whitney for not just bashing these products by saying,

im so glad you didnt just bash a product but you educated and even gave alternatives ❤.”

I hope you’ve enjoyed her talks, and let us know down below if there is anything you disagree with her on.

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Eve: I transitioned to natural hair a couple of years ago and I'm still rock'n it to this day. You can get in touch with me by using any of the avenues below.