Here Is A Great Way To Make Pin Curls On Microlocs Look Comfortable And Awesome

Looking for a comfortable and quick result? Check out this video on how to create pin curls on microlocs. Pin curls are fastly becoming the preferred style choice for microlocs. They provide a voluminous texture that looks wonderful with your hair. The problem is you may not want or have the time to apply rollers, twist-out, or braid out every time you want that curly look. Here is the amazing part; you don’t have to use rollers to create beautiful curls with your microlocs.

As you will see in the video, all you need are some hairpins to get fabulous locs that last a long time. Check out the video to get the right technique on how to pin curls on microlocs. Although Kendra didn’t use any moisturizing or setting products, however, she noted in the comment that she sprayed water on her hair first to dampen it. Here is her quote:

For those that are gonna ask, I sprayed water on my hair first just to dampen it (I did not drench with water) and then applied the pin curl. Will you try this style on your loose natural hair or your locs?

How to Create The Curls with Clips or Bobby Pins

Here is the process for those who want to read instead of watch. You start by dampening your locs with some water. Section off your hair into parts, take a piece of hair, place your finger above the root, but not all the way down at the root. Wrap the hair around your finger as if you were applying rollers. Take the hair with your thumb, wrap it around, and set it on top of itself. It is better demonstrated in the video, so please watch. Hold the hair in place as you pull your finger out, then clip it or use bobby pins to keep it in place.

If you want to skip the intro, then skip to 1:50.

If you don’t have perm rod at home, don’t want to bother with rollers, or just don’t like the way bantu knots feel when you wear or sleep on them, then try this beautiful pin curl hairstyle.

Are you Planning on doing this style? If so, let us know in the comment.

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Eve: I transitioned to natural hair a couple of years ago and I'm still rock'n it to this day. You can get in touch with me by using any of the avenues below.