Watch As She Shows Her Natural Hair Journey Pictures… Very Inspiring!!!

Here at A.A.H.V, we’re about helping you comprehend your natural hair. We try to do that by providing you, our dear companions, with information; whether it’s by posting videos, pictures or articles. The hope is that you will sift through all the data and take what is necessary to grow healthy and beautiful hair.  We post videos from many different naturals as a way to give various prospective and to provide opportunity for learning if you’re just transitioning or just thinking about going natural.

Today’s video is about the journey that some of us have taken in order to go back to being natural. We say, “Go back” because it’s important to remember that we’ve all started life with natural hair. It’s only as we grow into adulthood that we start to believe negative stereotypes about ourselves and begin to kowtow to social expectation.

Don’t get me wrong the stories are all true, we’ve all heard of workplace discrimination against natural hairstyles, which unfortunately; have held some people back from being promoted or in some cases have been denied jobs all together. We’ve also heard of couple having relationship issues that stem from the woman going natural.

Regardless, we’re here for those who want to and can withstand the impediments. We’re also here for those who prefer to just play the game of life as it is, which is playing by the society rules, and nothing’s wrong with that. We learn more by watching others. A picture speaks a thousand word, it can motivate us positively in the direction we want to go in our journey. Watching another’s journey can be the catalyst that propel us to invest the time in order to take the action necessary so succeed. And, it can assist us in wanting to continue in our own natural hair journey.

Here is today’s video which features a pictorial depiction of a natural hairstyle journey from perm to natural:

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Have Your Significant Other Treat You Any Differently Since You’ve Been Natural? If So How Are You Handling It?

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Eve: I transitioned to natural hair a couple of years ago and I'm still rock'n it to this day. You can get in touch with me by using any of the avenues below.