It Is Unbelievable How Gorgeous This Haute Low Chignon Holiday Hairstyles Look…Just Amazing

Just because the holidays are over this doesn’t mean the holiday hairstyles have to stop. Some of these styles are so universal that it doesn’t matter what time of year you wear them. Today’s style is no different, it is by Taren Guy whose insight about hair we value enormously. Here is the video:

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The chignon is just a fancy name for a bun, it is a style that is worn by women at the nape of their neck. It is the less contrive way to look gorgeous without having to do a whole lot. Go out there and begin the year by making a fashion statement. This style is great when done on old twist outs

(Note: This video was sponsored by Motion)

Question of the the day:  How Do You Keep Your Hair Healthy?

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Eve: I transitioned to natural hair a couple of years ago and I'm still rock'n it to this day. You can get in touch with me by using any of the avenues below.