Tips On How To Get Super Healthy Natural Hair Growth Using An Amazing Do It Yourself Oil Recipe

Do you find your hair to be dull and without vitality? Don’t give up on getting the long hair of your dreams. If so, you’ll be happy to know that there are proven methods that can help you bring length back to your hair. To improve the texture and help grow your hair, try some of these helpful ideas.

If you’re here, it means you want thicker and fuller natural hair. You do have to pay attention to your hair in order for it to healthily grow. Breakage is one of the reasons why your hair may not reach its full potential, there is something you can do about it. There are many combinations of oil mixtures around, but sometimes it take doing the simple one to get you the result you’re after.

As always use common sense when following someone else recipe, don’t use anything that might be dangerous to your health. With no further wait here is the oil recipe you’re here for.

  • 1-1.5 cups of Coconut oil
  • 1-1.5 cups of Extra virgin love oil
  • 1 tsp – 2 tsp msm
  • 1/2 tsp Vitamin C
  • Table spoon henna
  • 1/2 cup fenugreek seeds Indian shop
  • 5 tablespoons of castor oil
  • 5-10 Drops of Tea tree
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint

You can find these ingredients online and at local stores near you.

Other Tips On How To Get A Healthy Head Of Hair

Go ahead and forget the old adage about brushing your hair 100 strokes a day. Over brushing can actually lead to hair loss, breakage of strands and increased oil production. Normal brushing of your hair once or twice daily is sufficient to keep it healthy and free of tangles and build-up.

When choosing a brush to use on your hair, choose one with soft bristles, instead of hard ones. There are brushes available that are made of animal fibers or soft bristles that will be easier on your hair and not cause any type of damage to your beautiful hair!

Drink more water! Your hair needs water to thrive especially during the winter months. Increasing your water intake will help no matter what your hair type is. Start carrying a bottle with you and make sure that you are going through at least a few bottles every day. Your hair will thank you.

Make sure your hair is thoroughly wet before you apply shampoo and begin washing it. If you start to scrub your hair and scalp without getting it wet enough first, you are much more likely to have strands of your hair break off in your hands. When the hair is wet, it is more pliable and will resist breakage better.

The advice given here is simple enough to use daily in your hair care process. If you make an effort to apply some of these tips, you will notice a tremendous difference in how your hair feels and looks.

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Eve: I transitioned to natural hair a couple of years ago and I'm still rock'n it to this day. You can get in touch with me by using any of the avenues below.