Effortless Finger Curls Natural Hairstyle That We Absolutely Adore

Hello Ladies,

If you were looking for additional methods for setting your natural hair without having to do twist outs then you might really enjoy this video.  This is actually the first time I have seen someone do curly hair in this way.

Simply put, after adding the appropriate amount of product into your hair you simple twist a small section of your hair around your finger until it is set in a simple curl and repeat throughout the hair.  I don’t really know how long it would take to do this, but if you maintain the curls properly at night this would be an awesome regimen to adapt.

I will give this a try because I am dying to see what my hair would look like when using this method.  I will have to keep you posted on it.

Have you ever tried this method?  How did it work out for you?  Comment below and let us know…

E. Salomon



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Eve: I transitioned to natural hair a couple of years ago and I'm still rock'n it to this day. You can get in touch with me by using any of the avenues below.